Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Amazon Web Services (AWS) by is a cloud computing platform that allows for scalable web hosting via its geographically diverse data centers. AWS has a pay-as-you-go pricing model with no upfront investment making it a low-cost, quick alternative to using a physical server farm. Services include data storage, databases, servers, high–performance computing and more. All services are provided with both a point-and-click interface, a suite of powerful API tools and a variety of computing instances which can automatically adjust to your application needs. AWS requires the user to select the geographic region within which data will be processed/stored.

Amazon Web Services include many different options within nine different categories of services. Visit for more information on the different tools available within Amazon Web Services.

To see the UC-Wide AWS Contract, Click Here.

Contact Info

Service Owner as of 9/25/17 is: Jose Boveda <>

Josh Van Horn stated the following on 9/24/17 regarding AWS: "Jose does not “own” the AWS service.  Jose has helped with the purchasing process to stream-line it for campus and make sure people who purchases services through AWS are using our UC-approved contract.  The Service Catalog entry is about signing up for you own AWS account – IET does not offer a specific AWS service."

The Covered Services for BAA