Skype for Business

*** Skype for Business Online will be retired on July 31, 2021 ( Microsoft Teams will be the replacement for video conferencing, desktop sharing, file sharing, and more. ***

Skype for Business Online is an enterprise communications platform, part of Microsoft Office 365 (it was formerly known as uConnect Lync or Lync at UC Davis; see Microsoft's statement on the name change).

Skype for Business Online connects people everywhere from anywhere, on Windows 10 and other operating systems including mobile devices, as part of their everyday productivity experience. It provides a consistent client experience for instant messaging, voice, video and meetings. Skype for Business Online can be used anywhere in the world where an internet connection is available.

uConnect provides this service to all UC Davis faculty, staff and students free of charge.  All users with an active Kerberos account are enabled for the service regardless if they are using DavisMail or another email service on campus.

Contact Info

Service Manager - Thomas Pomroy (Joshua Van Horn leads the group that manages this, so Joshua Van Horn might be considered owner)